Student Involvement: A developmental theory for higher education
Alexander Astin
A student development theory based on student involvement is presented and described, and the implications for practice and research are discussed.
The NSSE definition aligns with Astin’s classic definition of student involvement: “the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience” (1984, p.297?) Therefore, the greater the student involvement, the greater the amount of learning. Astin contents that students’ mental and physical time and energy is finite and that all academic decisions must be based off of this, both pedagogical and administrative. This time and energy is viewed as an institutional resource and we must therefore move our attention away from content and technique towards motivation and student behavior.
APA Citation
Astin, A. (1984). Student involvement: a developmental theory for higher education. Journal of College Student Personnel, 25, 297-308.
About the Study
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Mode | |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
In Publication | Journal of College Student Personnel |
Type of Research | Theoretical |
Research Design | Not applicable |
Intervention/Areas of Study | Collaborative, group, or team-based learning |
Level of Analysis | |
Specific Populations Examined | Faculty, teachers, instructors, or staff |
Peer-Reviewed | Yes |
Specific Institutional Characteristics of Interest | |
Specific Course or Program Characteristics | |
Outcome Variables of Interest | Learning effectiveness |
Student Sample Size | |
Citing Articles |,50&sciodt=0,50&hl=en |
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