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Wisconsin Distance Teaching and Learning Conference | August 2020

Join us for the Wisconsin DT&L conference August 3rd – 5th.  Dr. Tanya Joosten has served as an emeritus advisory board member this year and will be presenting two sessions as a result of research over the past year.  Session details are below.  See you there.

Minority students’ online learning readiness | Aug 5th at 2:45 PM until 3:30 PM

The focus of this effort was to illustrate trends in digital learning innovation. Digital learning innovations were to be located through a scan of the postsecondary environment through various data sources in order to identify prominent innovations that have the potential to improve student outcomes in postsecondary education. Digital learning innovations were to include technologies, such as adaptive learning and open education resources, that improve access, equity, and learning. A timeframe for the collection of relevant data was established from January 1st, 2018, to September 1st, 2019. Previous DLI award analysis was included as one data source. Other data sources included industry leaders, national organizations advancing technology and learning, prominent research centers, influential research journals (peer reviewed), popular news and media outlets, funded initiatives, key institutions, vendors or products of interest, and other key publications from national organizations or efforts to see what themes and topics are relevant in the current landscape. Over a dozen data sources were reviewed. Documents, including articles, reports, web content, and more) were pulled directly from database and organizations’ sites when possible. Informal interviews were conducted with various academic leaders in the field at key organizations. Articles were summarized noting key themes and findings until themes were saturated, at which point key themes were noted but articles were not summarized. Articles were saved and compiled on a server for additional review or verification. In sum, over 400 articles were reviewed.

Empirical approach to identifying digital learning innovation trends | Aug 6th at 2:45 PM until 3:30 PM

The focus of this effort was to illustrate trends in digital learning innovation. Digital learning innovations were to be located through a scan of the postsecondary environment through various data sources in order to identify prominent innovations that have the potential to improve student outcomes in postsecondary education. Digital learning innovations were to include technologies, such as adaptive learning and open education resources, that improve access, equity, and learning. A timeframe for the collection of relevant data was established from January 1st, 2018, to September 1st, 2019. Previous DLI award analysis was included as one data source. Other data sources included industry leaders, national organizations advancing technology and learning, prominent research centers, influential research journals (peer reviewed), popular news and media outlets, funded initiatives, key institutions, vendors or products of interest, and other key publications from national organizations or efforts to see what themes and topics are relevant in the current landscape. Over a dozen data sources were reviewed. Documents, including articles, reports, web content, and more) were pulled directly from database and organizations’ sites when possible. Informal interviews were conducted with various academic leaders in the field at key organizations. Articles were summarized noting key themes and findings until themes were saturated, at which point key themes were noted but articles were not summarized. Articles were saved and compiled on a server for additional review or verification. In sum, over 400 articles were reviewed.





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